

In this conversation, Kate Capato, a sacred art painter, discusses her mission of beauty through art and collaboration with her husband. She explores the nature of art, the objective value of beauty, and the role of sacred art in communicating faith. The discussion delves into the importance of beauty in churches and practical steps for individuals to contribute to beautification efforts in their communities.

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The Woman Behind the Art: Visual Grace artist, Kate Capato, is a Catholic Sacred Art Painter, Inspirational Speaker, and Faith-Filled Dance Choreographer who artistically brings to life truth, goodness, and beauty. 


  • Kate Capato is a sacred art painter focused on spreading the Catholic faith through beauty.

  • Art is a means of communication that transcends words, expressing deep emotions and truths.

  • Beauty is an objective value, rooted in the nature of God, and not merely subjective.

  • The experience of beauty can be subjective, but its value remains constant regardless of perception.

  • Churches should reflect beauty to inspire reverence and a sense of the divine.

  • The influence of Protestant culture has led to a decline in the beauty of Catholic churches in America.

  • Encountering true beauty can lead to a deeper relationship with God.

  • Individuals can play a role in beautifying their churches through donations and commissioning art.

  • The journey of creating art involves prayer, surrender, and a reliance on God's guidance.

  • Beauty in art and architecture can counteract the chaos and ugliness present in modern society.


sacred art, beauty, Catholic faith, visual art, objectivity of beauty, mission of beauty, church architecture, art and communication, artist journey, beautification